Month: November 2018

Komodo – Siaba Besar in B&W

Komodo – Siaba Besar in B&W

On the west side of Siaba Besar island in Komodo National Park there’s a dive site that has a sandy bay and a big reef formation extending up from the deeper adjacent channel.  Green sea turtles abound at this site, and it’s easy to spot 

Komodo – Manta Rays at Mawan

Komodo – Manta Rays at Mawan

Manta rays are large, graceful creatures – elegant and ballet-like in their movements.  Their wingspan is up to 18 feet (5.5 meters) in the manta species that is most often found in Komodo National Park (Manta alfredi).  On a dive earlier this week we were 

Komodo – On the Dive Boat

Komodo – On the Dive Boat

I came to this part of Indonesia, near Komodo National Park, to get a scuba divemaster certification with instructors Sylvain (French) and Samira (Swiss), whom I met last year on a dive vacation.  The park, a World Heritage Site consisting of islands and surrounding seas,